Showing posts with label Windows 7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows 7. Show all posts

How to check if Mac or PC using Javascript

Sometimes, in your webpage, you might wanted to redirect the visitor accordingly for MAC or PC. For Identifiying MAC or PC, here is a simple code using Javascript.

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS X') != -1) {
} else {
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How to hide folder with password in Windows

It's easy to hide folder in linux, by just adding a dot infront of the name of a folder, but in Windows, you'll have to create one batch file for this. I'll tell you how,

Copy and paste this in Notepad,

title Folder Private 
if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK 
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER 
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N) 
set/p "cho=>" 
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK 
if %cho%==y goto LOCK 
if %cho%==n goto END 
if %cho%==N goto END 
echo Invalid choice. 
ren Private "HTG Locker" 
attrib +h +s "HTG Locker" 
echo Folder locked 
goto End 
echo enter the key 
set/p "pass=>" 
if NOT %pass%== PASSHERE goto FAIL 
attrib -h -s "HTG Locker" 
ren "HTG Locker" Private 
echo Folder Unlocked successfully 
goto End 
echo Invalid password 
goto end 
md Private 
echo Private created successfully 
goto End 
The Black colored letter Indicates the Password, change it to your desired password. Then Save this as key.bat, whatever the name be, but .bat extension is necessary. Save this wherever you want. opening this file will create a new folder in the folder you've saved the .bat file named Private. Copy and paste whatever you want to hide, to this folder. Again, Open this batch file and it will ask you 'Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)' then type y and press enter. This will hide the folder. to unhide the folder, open Batch file again and it will ask for your Password, type your password and Press enter. 
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How to permanently delete files

In the last post, I've told you on recovering Permanently deleted files, Now I'm gonna show you how to Permanently delete file that 'Recuva' Cannot Recover. For this, you have to download a Software called Eraser. You can download it here.

Step 1: Open Eraser software.
Step 2: Press CTRL+N to create a new task.
Step 3: If you want, give a task name, select the task type, which means to run the task now or later or at a specific time.

Step 4: click on Add data button give erasure method(leave it if not known.) Add the path of the file or whole files in a folder or a drive or recycle bin, that you want to delete. and click on Ok button.

Step 5: if you've clicked on Run Immediately it'll be done as soon as you click on ok button, if you've clicked Run Manually, Right click that task and select Run now button.
Enjoy deleting without traces...
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How to recover permanently deleted files in Windows

In this post, I'm gonna show you how to recover deleted files from recycle bin. Its by using a software called Recuva. You can download Recuva from here. After downloading, Install it.
Recuva Can recover most deleted files that exists in your computer in the form of dead files. Windows have no access to these dead files.

Step 1: Open Recuva.

Step 2: Give the file format of the deleted file, give the option 'All files', if you don't know the format.

Step 3: Click next and give the location of the deleted file. select, I'm not sure if you don't know the location.

Step 4: Now click next. and click on start button.

Step 5: after you get the recovered files, Select the file you want to recover and click on recover button.

Now enjoy the power of fearless deleting...

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Create a folder with invalid file name in Windows

Have you ever tried to make a folder named ‘CON’ ? Its impossible, because it’s an invalid folder name for windows. There is many such names like: CON, AUX, PRN, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8 and LPT9. But you can now create such folder with a simple trick.

Step 1: Open Command Prompt, then Type

mkdir \\.\E:\CON
The red coloured text is the folder name here and the Blue Colour, Drive alphabet. Then Verify that folder by

dir \\.\E:\CON
Now that folder is Created. In this way you can create all the file names mentioned above. To delete that folder, type,

rmdir \\.\E:\CON
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How to change the Icon of Hard Drive in windows 7

Its really boring to see an hard drive always in its old look, why don't we just try to change it.... ?

Step 1: Open Notepad, Paste this code in it.


Step 2: Save this as autorun.inf , to any hard drive you want to change the drive icon without creating any folders

Step 3: We have mentioned icon=\CustomIcon.ico in this code, paste a desired image with in the same place. any image you choose, but it must have .ico extension. 
if you want hard drive icons, click here.

if you're downloading it from any other sites, then Just rename it to CustomIcon, don't forget to select ICO.

or you could change  icon=\CustomIcon.ico to any name you want.

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Use your Hard Disk as RAM.

Some may face problems on low RAM, this post is to increase your RAM from your HDD.

Step 1: Right Click Computer icon and select Properties.

Step 2: Now on the left pane, under Control Panel Home, click on Advanced system settings

Step 3: Click on Advanced tab, under Performance tab, click on Settings.

Step 4: on Performance Options window, click on Advanced tab.

Step 5: Under Virtual memory, you get to change the paging file size for all drives. Click on Change... button (step 3-5 are shown below)

Step 6: Here you can uncheck Automatically manage paging file size for all drives and set values as per your requirements

Click OK. Now restart your Computer and Bingo.
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Creating water wave Logo using PS.

This logo is created with Adobe Photoshop CS3.  I'll Explain, how. Its really Simple.

1. Open Photoshop, Create a new document, I'm using 1288x 1088 pixels. 

2. Apply Black Color to the background by pressing ALT+Backspace. 

3. Open a picture like mine, if you want use google images. name the image layer as Water

4. make it a slight dark by using curves, (Image> Adjustments> Curves) 

5. Create a new layer, Bye pressing CTRL+Shift+N then apply black color using the same method., Name this layer as Hole in Center.

7. Create a hole in the center using Brush tool, get it to a large size and remember to use a soft brush.

8. Now save this as 1.psd 

9. Open your image (image layer must in center of Water layer and Hole in Center layer)

10. Go to Filter> Distrot> Displace

11. Give 20 in the Horizontal scale box, and 20 in the Vertical scale box. Use the file we've save in step 8.

11. Give it a blur (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur)

12. Duplicate the layer Water move it till it comes as

Image Layer
Water (copy) Layer 
Hole in Center layer
Water Layer

13. now save this to a good location.

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How create your own ANTI-VIRUS

Open Notepad

Paste this code in it.

@ echo off
echo off turn off the active virus
taskkill / F / IM virusname1.exe / IM virusname2.exe
echo Deleting all of viruses based on size
for / RC: \%% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za 157,184 equ del / A: HSRA "%% a"
echo deleting hidden virus
echo for drive c and subfolders
for / R C: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a"
echo for drive d and subfolders
for / R D: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a"
echo Unhide Document
cd / d c: \
echo for drive C and subfolders
*. doc attrib-H-S-A / S
cd / d d: \
echo for drive D and subfolders
*. doc attrib-H-S-A / S

Then Save it as antivirus.bat (name could be anything but don't forget the .bat extension)
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How to install a graphic driver.

Some of you face a problem after installing a new OS, or upgrading from Windows 7 to 8.

I'll Tell you how to install your driver.

First of all, insert the Resource CD, that you might have got while buying your PC, or download it from the Internet.

Right click Computer icon, select Manage.

Now click Device Manager from that. Double Click Display Adaptor then select Update Driver or sometimes you won't see it, then double click what you see. 

For example I've installed Intel HD graphics, then double click that. from the Driver tab select Update driver. 

A new windows will appear, select 'Browse my computer for Driver software'
Give the location Manually then select NEXT

It'll prompt you to restart then it'll be all set after restart.
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How to change the color of Command Prompt

Open cmd, type color then number of the color, here's some codes and their colors.

 0 = Black       8 = Gray

   1 = Blue        9 = Light Blue

   2 = Green       A = Light Green

   3 = Aqua        B = Light Aqua

   4 = Red         C = Light Red

   5 = Purple      D = Light Purple

   6 = Yellow      E = Light Yellow

   7 = White       F = Bright White 

 for example, i want color aqua, then type like this and press enter 'color 3' (without quotes)
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How to make partitions in Windows

1 Right click on My Computer Icon on desktop
2 Select Manage
3 Click on Disk Management

NB: Unallocated will be shown as black means there is no any drives in it
       Free Space will be shown in light green there is nothing in it
       Primary Partitions will be shown in dark blue color we can only create 4 primary partitions
       Extended Partitions will be shown in dark green color we can create many logical drives in extended
       Logical Drives will be shown in light blue
                                    To Delete a Partition

1 Right click on the drive that is to be deleted
2 Select Delete Volume
3 A dialog box will be appeared click on option yes to delete (if you delete the partition including OS then your OS will be gone)
4 then it will be free space (light green)

                                   To Create a Partition

1 Right Click on free/unallocated space
2 Select New Simple Volume/new primary partition
3 from the appeared box give size of drive,give drive letter if needed select drive type and necessary things
4 after all click on finish your drive is created

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How to create a Wi-Fi from PC to Android.

Open Cmd with administrator privilage.

1. Check wheather your PC supports Wi-Fi or not by typing this command in cmd. 

netsh wlan show drivers

3. Configure Hosted Network now.

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=yourname key=yourpassword
4. Change ssid, key as you desired.
5. You've succesfully established your connection now.
Now to start your hosted network.
6. Type this command and press enter.

netsh wlan start hostednetwork
8. Go to control panel and open network and sharing setting, Click on Change adaptor settings on you left hand side.
9. Right click on your default internet connection and select Properties. And take the Sharing tab.
10. Select Allow other network computers to use this connection. And mention Microsoft virtual Wi-Fi Miniport adaptor in that.

13. You're ready to enjoy Wi-Fi on Android.

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My Great Problem with ubuntu.

Recently I've downloaded ubuntu 10.04.4 desktop, it was a disc image file and needed to be written to a disc. I bought a Disc and written it. and tried to install it by

1.  put the cd into the tray.

2.  restart the PC

3.  press F12 till a winodw appears.

4.  select cd/drive

5. go through the installation.- here my problem begins, it prompted me to patition a new disc, I proceeded.

it has automatically created a disc with 96GB memory. but intsallation was cancelled because it had problems with copying files from the disc. anyway Shut down my computer and opened windows, but some memory from a hard disc of my windows was missing, because the partition of ubuntu hard disc took some memory from my windows hard disc.

I couldn't get my hard disc's memory back, because i don't the solution to this Problem.

But I tried all things I know, And I found my own way to this.

1. Boot into Windows

2. Right click Computer.

3. Select Manage

4. A new window will open. 

5. Double-click Storage from it and select the partitioned disc 

6. Right click and select Delete.

7. The disc will be deleted. Now this disc will added to extended partition list. 

8. Right click it, and select New partition and go through the wizard, now this disc will be added as a partitioned hard disc of  Windows.

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Matrix Effect with Notepad

Hey friends, wanna have a little fun with notepad? then here is a simple trick-

Step 1: press window+r and type notepad, then press Enter.

Step 3: Paste this code in it.

@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%

@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
Step 4: save this as Joels Blog.bat 

Step 5: enjoy the matrix style.

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Creating a Wi-Fi network.

Recently I've posted how to create a Wi-Fi connection from android to Pc, but this post is about creating Wi-Fi from your PC. And this Wi-Fi hotspot never supports Android. its a computer-computer network called Ad hoc.

For android supporting Wi-Fi Hotspot, Download this Software -><-

Go To  Control panel From Start menu.

Click on Network and Internet

Choose Network and sharing center then take set up a new connection or network. Choose Set up a wireless ad hoc network

Go through the wizard

Choose Security type=WPA2-Personel so that no one missuses your network.

Go back and select change adapter settings on the left side.

Choose your Connection and take properties by right click.

Choose the sharing tab

Select the checkbox in yellow highlight, you could also select the other two if you want and click on ok button.

You're ready to enjoy Wi-Fi

Reply if this dosen't Worked.

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How to create a Wi-Fi connection from your Android to PC.

To Create a Wi-Fi connection you'll need a internet enabled phone.

To enable internet go to settings>Wireless and networks>Mobile Networks and select 'Use Packet Data'.

Now, Go back and take 'Tathering and Portable Hotspot', Select 'Mobile AP'. ( you can change your AP name by taking 'Mobile AP settings'.

Start your computer (mine Windows 7).

go to control panel>Network and Internet>Network and sharing center then click on connect or disconnect.

You're Ready to enjoy Wi-Fi.

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How to host a website to AppFog in windows

For this download and install Ruby Installer for Windows. Open The file you've downloaded (Start>All Programs>Start Command Prompting with ruby). 

You'll have to update RubyGems from Ruby command prompt.

$ gem update --system
$ gem install af

Login with:

af login

Finally from within your source code directory:

af update hello-node

Hope you enjoy !
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How to enable Localhost servers in windows 7

To enable LocalHost servers of Windows 7 (IIS), 

1. Go to start, click control panel.

2. Open 'programs', select 'turn windows features on/off'.

After clicking 'ok' button you maybe prompted to restart your computer Do it.

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The First Post.

About Me
My name is Jovel Sam. I'm a 7th standard student of Bethany St.John's E.H.S.S, I'm a programmer, But really not an expert. I know some programming languages, from that I made a social site(still its in my PC). I'm gonna publish it in this month or late. I can answer almost all problems related to Android, Windows, HTML, PHP problems or FAQs. Visit my Blog for becoming a Junior programmer.
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