Creating water wave Logo using PS.

This logo is created with Adobe Photoshop CS3.  I'll Explain, how. Its really Simple.

1. Open Photoshop, Create a new document, I'm using 1288x 1088 pixels. 

2. Apply Black Color to the background by pressing ALT+Backspace. 

3. Open a picture like mine, if you want use google images. name the image layer as Water

4. make it a slight dark by using curves, (Image> Adjustments> Curves) 

5. Create a new layer, Bye pressing CTRL+Shift+N then apply black color using the same method., Name this layer as Hole in Center.

7. Create a hole in the center using Brush tool, get it to a large size and remember to use a soft brush.

8. Now save this as 1.psd 

9. Open your image (image layer must in center of Water layer and Hole in Center layer)

10. Go to Filter> Distrot> Displace

11. Give 20 in the Horizontal scale box, and 20 in the Vertical scale box. Use the file we've save in step 8.

11. Give it a blur (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur)

12. Duplicate the layer Water move it till it comes as

Image Layer
Water (copy) Layer 
Hole in Center layer
Water Layer

13. now save this to a good location.

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